Hello everyone! I am sorry I don't have any doll pictures for you today:( I do have a couple of new dolls , but alas either my hubby or my children have made off with my camera once again. I am sure that those of you who read regularly have noticed that this seems to happen quite often , and it does. My 3 yo twins had an obsession for a while with my card reader, all told I bought 3 of them that they kept packing off , they ( thank goodness) have out grown it, but 1 of the card readers never did surface. I bought a new camera a while back and have only gotten to use it about 4 times and now it is missing too **sigh** I stashed it in the back of my desk drawer , guess I need a better hiding spot..lol. Oh well , I'll do some detective work this evening and I am sure I'll get the new pics by tomorrow. Family life is NEVER dull..lol. On the bright side it has given me a chance to share this awesome photo with you! I don't remember now where I found it , and I have NO clue who it is , but I do LOVE it! The little boy looks so serious! And just look at those boots , I'd love to have a pair like that to sit on my mantle. I love to look at old pictures!! There is a blog around here somewhere called "Picture of the day" ( it's on my reading list) that's really cool. It was a simpler time , and though I am sure that life wasn't easy at all , it was much "cleaner". I love to hear my aunt and uncle tell about things when they were young, and they aren't even that old. My aunt didn't know anything about the birds and the bees until she was in high school. My 2nd grader hears phrases from other kids that I have to google to even know what it means! ( It usually isn't good ). It kinda has me feeling old..and I haven't even bridged 30 yet. I have heard people say that kids grow up to fast these days, but I don't think that thats the case. They just learn all the bad stuff way earlier. I think society has gotten so caught up in giving the next generation more than what they had , that they have lost sight of the important things, like forming bonds and teaching their children to be self sufficient. I cannot count the number of people even at my age that couldn't boil water if they were starving to death and that's just plain sad. It seems cruel to me even though I am sure it wasn't intentional in most cases. Not teaching a child how to handle life is like cutting 3 legs off of a dog and then expecting it to hunt for it's self. These poor kids turn 18 and the world as they know it comes crashing down, they are suddenly responsible for everything . They have to be able to feed themselves , keep clean clothing , keep up with their homes, keep a budget , etc. and thats a lot for a child that never had to cook or do a load of laundry. My 11 yo old LOVES to cook, but he still hasn't hit a growth spurt to get him up high enough to use the stove safely ( he can't clear the burners and reach the knobs at the sametime) but I teach let him bake in the oven a lot. When he's done he has to help clean up , which he doesn't always like , but it's a good reminder that you have to take the bad with the good and that he'll have to clean up his messes when he is on his own. My 9 yo knows how to cook some things , but he isn't quite as into it as my 11 yo so he's not in the kitchen as much. They both help with laundry , and my 11 yo even helped me wire a 220 plug socket for our new dryer this weekend. He basicly just held things and watched but there is no teacher better than experience, they also LIKE to do it so what better way to learn? Now if I could just teach them to put things back where they found them ( like my camera ..lol ) then we'd be in good shape. Any way this is starting to sound more like a parenting blog than a primitives blog so I had better cut it short , but here's to raising the next generation of strong kids.