Mama Whiskers now has a Family!! Meet papa and Minnie Whiskers, This set will be auctioned on Ebay soon I am also offering to personalize this set for the winning bidder by making more kittens ( $7ea) in your choice of gender and name.( I thought someone may want to do their own family)
Also in this post are my set of 4 prim chocolate bunnies (basket NOT included) They are about 10" tall or so ( I seem to have misplaced my tape measure) They too will be posted to Ebay (with an accurate in the very near future. I am planning on listing my next group on Ebay on Sunday Feb. 21, 2010 The group will include The Whiskers Family and Prim chocolate bunnies. I'll keep you updated as to any change in plans. Check out my earlier posts for more prims and my last post for info on my Ebay doll giveaway! Also I will be giving away a free doll here every 50 posts (this is # 30) details will be given in a later post. Thanks for looking!!