This is Witchy-Poo, She is working on her latest spell and has a hat full of ingredients to stir into the brew.Witchy-poo is about 18" tall. Her nose is pinched and she has rusty bell eyes. Her hair is homespun wool yarn . Her body is painted, sanded , grubbied and baked to perfection. Her skirt is hand dyed , cinnamon coated, gathered at the top and stiffened slightly. Witchy-Poo has 2 tags , the small one is for her " eye of newt" and the large one has a short poem on it that I wrote for her it goes:
Ah, just what I need,
To finish my spell,
some eye of newt,
and an old cows tail,
a spoon full of muck,
in an old snail shell,
and a sprig of sweet annie,
to cover the smell.
C. Fouch
This is post is number 45 , Just 5 more posts until I give away a doll! Make sure to vote for either Terri-fied or Helena. To vote , just leave a comment with the name of the doll you like best on my May 15 th post ( this post also contains their pics).