Hello everyone! I have been sculpting lately ( as you can tell) I really like the truly old time look that sculpted faces give my dolls. Don't worry though I'll still be doing my soft dolls as well. Here's what I have managed to make...
First there's Stella , doesn't she look well loved? She has stick arms and legs and a sculpted paper mache face. Her hair is homespun wool and is wicked into her head. Her dress is gathered and belted at the waist and is made from a vintage orange and blue flower basket fabric. Stella is about 16" tall.
Aramena has been to the sweets shop and bought herself a lolly pop . She is wearing a stained, singed muslin dress , her buttons are 6mm rusty bells attached by rusty safety pins. Her face is sculpted from paper mache and her lolly pop is sculpted from terra cotta clay that has been painted and grubbied. Her hair is wicked into her head and grubbied as well. Aramena is about 21"tall.
*****Remember to check out my last post and leave a comment for a chance to win Helena!!*******