Well I finally made it to the web...a blog wasn't my original plan but the coding drove me nuts and Blogger made it nice and easy so here I am! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Christine Fouch . My husband, Kevin and I have 10 wonderful kids (6 boys and 4 girls) Some of our kids have taken to the primitives as well and I am teaching the ones who want to learn, how to stitch and stuff . I have been doing Primitives since about 1996 (before they were really grubby!)
My aunt got me started and I in turn got my Mom into it. Most, if not all ,of what I post here will be my work. I do not use patterns so all of my dolls are one of a kind . Most of my work is sold on Ebay so if you see something you're interested in just email me at upthecreekprimitives@yahoo.com and I can set it up on Ebay for you.