I just finished this Santa today and I thought I would go ahead and post him tonight along with a Folk art Jesus and the prairie dolls . So here they are..:)
I pictured the santa and Jesus together for the sake of space but I have plenty of seperate pictures too , I can email them if you like.
Santa is about 27 " tall and is made from painted cinnamon brushed fabric. He has a rusty bell attached by a safety pin on the tip of his hat and a tiny jingle bell on each of his boots. He also has rusty bell buttons and a grubby tag that reads: " Fat & Jolly" He is a make do doll and is not weighted. Santa nor Jesus include the "vase" pictured . It is infact not even a vase, it was a gift from my husband to hold some flowers that I made this spring, it is an old tarnished vietnam era caseing from a 105mm howitzer cannon. SANTA $20
Jesus is about 29" tall and stands on his own. He is not weighted, he has dowel legs and a rough wooden base . His body and face are hand painted fabric . This Jesus leans a little more toward the folkart side than most of my work, his face is very detailed , down to even the eye lashes and blood vessels in his eyes. He is tea dyed but not nearly as much as my other items generaly are. He also has a hang tag that says " Amazing Grace"
JESUS $ 28
I actually made these prairie dolls about 2 mos ago and never put them on Ebay or tried to sell them, I was kind of fond of them so I just let them hang around a bit longer in a candle box on the top of one of my old trunks , but with Christmas fast approaching I thought that they might make a nice addition to someones tree so I have decided to go ahead and let them go. There are 6 of them. They are between 6" and 8 " tall. Their arms and legs are made from sticks and their bodys are made from fabric , one is painted and the rest are cinnamon brushed. Some have tags and some don't there are 3 indians ( one of whom we have named the medicine man ) and 3 settler
Make sure to look at my other posts! And watch for new ones, I am going to try to add at least 2 new things a week, if not more.