For those of you who are wondering what I have been working she is ! This is Adelina the ballerina . For some reason she didn't photograph well though , she is darker than the pictures show her. To me primitives are about capturing a simpler time and state of mind , taking us back to our roots so to speak, and Adelina does just that , What little girl hasn't wanted to be a ballerina at some point in her life?
Adelina is about 17" tall and has a antiqued lace tu-tu. She has a pinched nose and tiny button eyes . Her leotard and ballet slippers are painted pink and her hair is homespun wool . Adelina's tag reads " Ballet Admit one " like a ticket . She has a rusty safety pin in the back for hanging , but she looks cute sitting too. Adelina $16
I am working on a crow now and will post her as soon as I finish her. I also have a farmer and his wife in the works. Keep checking in to see what they turn out like and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS !!