Hello everyone, I thought I'd share this beautiful cardinal with you folks . I did not make him. My 11 year old son did! I am so proud of him! He made this for a competition at school ( he got 2nd place). It took him a while to decide what to do , his ornament had to be WV wildlife of some sort and at first he thought of doing a bear, but decided that it wouldn't stand out enough on a christmas tree. The only things I needed to help him with were threading the sewing machine , and tieing off knots.He did the rest on his own! I told him that I was going to have to put him to work for me..lol. He has sewn a few things before and I let him experiment with my machine from time to time , but I think the competition brought out the best in him and he really amazed me. He will get his ornament back after Christmas and I told him that next year and every year after we would use his cardinal as our tree topper. I'll keep you updated on any thing else he makes.