Hello again everyone! Here's my new Belsnickle Santa. He's all decked out in his burlap robe and ready to bring treats to the children. If you have never heard the legend of the Belsnickle, then I will tell you who he is in short... He is the grand father of our modern day Santa , and a part of Appalachain history. Belsnickle would often travel from house to house dressed in burlap with his face blackened out by charcoal dust. He would either deliver treats to good children or spank bad children with a switch. Every year the children would strive to be well behaved so that the belsnickle would bring them a treat instead of a spanking. So that he got to meet all the children, the Belsnickle would begin his rounds just after dusk on Christmas eve and would have been finished with his rounds by midnight. The belsnickle didn't wait until everyone was sleeping, in fact he came into the house to have cookies or cake and hot apple cider with the family. My Belsnickle Santa doll will be making his way to ebay very soon, I sure hope that the children there have been good..lol. Belsnickle is carrying his bag of treats in his left hand and a tree and a small doll in his right hand. He is dressed in a hooded burlap robe that has homespun wool yarn stitched around the edges. His eyes are small rusty jingle bells and his beard and eyebrows are made from natural sheeps wool that I hand washed myself. He is approximately 18.5" tall and is signed on his bottom. I also finished a pair of snowmen today but photobucket apparently hates me because it will not let me copy the code so that I can post the picture here. I suppose I will try again later. I am all out of muslin and fiber fill so I am sending my DH out for more , and hopefully I'll have some new things to show you tomorrow evening. Have a blessed evening everyone!