Here are a few more bowl fillers for you folks to check out...Oh yeah and our cat Skidmark..She has apparently taken a liking to my old rocking As you can tell one of the hearts are different than the others . The 3 with the flowers are made from a print material and have a grubby coating and each one has a tag they read " Heart" "Love" &"Kiss Me" I made these for Valentines day but they could be used year round . The tallest is about 7" tall.
The Crosses say "Jesus" in 3 differant languages ( English, Greek , & Hebrew) I would have like to have done one in Aramaic so that I would have had all 3 of the original biblical languages but alas Aramaic is a difficult language to find translations for. The crosses are around 9" Tall.
The Easter eggs say "Easter" in 5 differant languages ( Arabic, Hindi, German, Spanish, and Italian) Each egg is made from 3 different fabrics stitched together and the words are painted on, the whole egg has a grubby coating, they are various sizes but the largest is about 5.5" tall. I am still working on some dolls and hope to post more this week weather promitting .
I will be posting all of the bowl fillers to Ebay on Sunday along with Sisal as long as my internet connection holds out, Thanks for looking!