Thursday, January 14, 2010
I promise , There are things coming....
Hi everyone , I just got on here to apologize for not having posted anything new lately, We have had some serious weather lately and our water lines have been frozen, so I have been busy carrying water from the well ( some of us still have ) to wash clothes and bath the kids and all of that good stuff. I finally got them thawed today, by the grace of God and a long handled spoon, So I should be back to posting in a couple of days, I still have some washing to catch up on ..with all these young'ins it piles up fast. I am working on a nurse doll that will be posted here and on Ebay on the same day, Part of the proceeds will go to earthquake relief in Haiti, I do believe that it will be the first in a series of dolls that I am going to call " The Unseen Angels" so keep watch for her in the coming week. I also wanted to say a quick Thank you to all of you who have left me such wonderful feedback on Ebay...believe me it is greatly appreciated! I need to go get my washing finished so I can get back to my dolls, Night to all and God Bless!