Wednesday, November 24, 2010

OOAK Primitive Manger Scene / Nativity

Hello every one! I thought I'd give you a peek at the manger scene I finished yesterday. I really love these little guys. There are 8 seperate dolls in this set . I cinnamon baked each one and signed them on the bottom. They are up for auction on Ebay right now and will end this weekend . I have extra pics posted there so check it out if you get the chance! Thanks for reading!

Monday, November 22, 2010

OOAK primitive Santa w/ Baby Jesus and Snow Friends Walter and Marvin

Here's my snow friends that I couldn't post last time and a new Santa who's holding the Baby Jesus. The snow men are up for auction on Ebay right now and the Santa will be going there this Tuesday evening. Also make sure you check back here later this week because I should have a new manger scene finished in the next couple of days. Thanks for Checking them out!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hello again everyone! Here's my new Belsnickle Santa. He's all decked out in his burlap robe and ready to bring treats to the children. If you have never heard the legend of the Belsnickle, then I will tell you who he is in short... He is the grand father of our modern day Santa , and a part of Appalachain history. Belsnickle would often travel from house to house dressed in burlap with his face blackened out by charcoal dust. He would either deliver treats to good children or spank bad children with a switch. Every year the children would strive to be well behaved so that the belsnickle would bring them a treat instead of a spanking. So that he got to meet all the children, the Belsnickle would begin his rounds just after dusk on Christmas eve and would have been finished with his rounds by midnight. The belsnickle didn't wait until everyone was sleeping, in fact he came into the house to have cookies or cake and hot apple cider with the family. My Belsnickle Santa doll will be making his way to ebay very soon, I sure hope that the children there have been Belsnickle is carrying his bag of treats in his left hand and a tree and a small doll in his right hand. He is dressed in a hooded burlap robe that has homespun wool yarn stitched around the edges. His eyes are small rusty jingle bells and his beard and eyebrows are made from natural sheeps wool that I hand washed myself. He is approximately 18.5" tall and is signed on his bottom.
I also finished a pair of snowmen today but photobucket apparently hates me because it will not let me copy the code so that I can post the picture here. I suppose I will try again later. I am all out of muslin and fiber fill so I am sending my DH out for more , and hopefully I'll have some new things to show you tomorrow evening. Have a blessed evening everyone!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Primitive Christmas Ornies

Well folks I am at it again! Christmas is coming and all of these new pretties are available in my bonanza booth ! I'll be adding Lots of new ornies and dolls over the next 2 weeks , They will be posted to Bonanzle until either Friday or Sunday and then sent to Ebay for auctions. I am offering 10% off of orders of $50 or more in my bonanza booth only . I also have my candles available on bonanza. To see my Booth or visit my Ebay auctions , click on the links below my banner and it should take you directly to them. Sorry to keep it so short but Christmas is fast approaching and I have so many things I want to make!! AGGGHHH! Times running out!

Like mother like son

Hello everyone, I thought I'd share this beautiful cardinal with you folks . I did not make him. My 11 year old son did! I am so proud of him! He made this for a competition at school ( he got 2nd place). It took him a while to decide what to do , his ornament had to be WV wildlife of some sort and at first he thought of doing a bear, but decided that it wouldn't stand out enough on a christmas tree. The only things I needed to help him with were threading the sewing machine , and tieing off knots.He did the rest on his own! I told him that I was going to have to put him to work for He has sewn a few things before and I let him experiment with my machine from time to time , but I think the competition brought out the best in him and he really amazed me. He will get his ornament back after Christmas and I told him that next year and every year after we would use his cardinal as our tree topper. I'll keep you updated on any thing else he makes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sorry folks :(

I have been through the ringer lately and have finally come out the other The kids all had check ups due and follow ups for those, and then my poor old camera died:(( On the up side I did get a new camera and I LOVE it so far. Oh yeah, I am making some new things now too like Wax ornies , wood wick candles and grubby tapers. The pitch candles pic is a little dark..sorry I am still learning the controls on this camera. The sheep are some of my newer ornies , I also have skeleton keys, angels , santas and a manger set. I also set up a booth with Bonanzle , for those of you that haven't tried Bonanzle it is fantastic. I love that they alow you to accept money orders where some other places make you pay through their site. Here's my link if you'd like to CHECK IT OUT. G'NIGHT ALL